SACA FIESTA 2025 An event you cannot miss!
SACA Fiesta has become one of the “must attend” events in Lancaster County.
Every year, this event grows bigger and better, featuring live entertainment, authentic Latin cuisine and a festive ambience that brings the community together for a unique celebration unmatched by any other region event.
To get your tickets please call Claudia Galdamez at 717-399-4185
Lancaster and York’s only bilingual educational and public radio station!
WLCH, 91.3 FM, “Radio Centro” is a program of the Spanish American Civic Association (SACA), as an educational public community radio station. WLCH was formed to provide the Hispanic Community with the opportunity to become fully informed about news, current events, educational and cultural programs. It also serves as a vehicle for greater interaction between our English and Spanish speaking communities, challenging both to become one community.

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