Open Meeting Policy

WLCH is a component of the Spanish American Civic Association (SACA). It is licensed as a public educational station that offers the community a wide array of programming in Spanish and English. Established in 1987, WLCH/Radio Centro is the voice of Lancaster’s and York’s Latino community and its preferred source for educational, public affairs, and musical entertainment.

It is the policy of WLCH that meetings of the governing board of the organization, its committees, and advisory boards shall be open to the public. Meetings or portions of meetings may occasionally be closed to the public when considering matters relating to individual employees, proprietary information, or litigation. A written statement explaining the reason for closing the meeting will be available on the website within a reasonable period of time.

If you have difficulty accessing the documents that are contained on this website or if there is a document that is not included on the website that you would like to request, contact Claudia Galdamez.


Claudia Galdamez, General Manager

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