Public Documents
WLCH operates on a July 1 – June 30 fiscal year. WLCH’s financial statements are audited annually by a certified public accounting firm. Financial statements include a Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Activities, and Statement of Cash in Net Assets and Cash Flows, and should be read in conjunction with the Notes to Financial Statements.
The IRS Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, is the annual federal information return filed by charitable organizations that are exempt from income tax. The amounts in these statements are presented in accordance with IRS regulations.
The CPB/AFR is the financial report that is submitted to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting by WLCH on an annual basis.
If you have difficulty accessing the documents that are contained on this website or if there is a document that is not included on the website that you would like to request, contact Claudia Galdamez at 717-295-7996/
WLCH’s commitment to diversity is based on our commitment to public service. WLCH knows that a diverse workforce, management team, governing Board, and Community Advisory Board contribute greatly to our knowledge and understanding of our diverse communities. Therefore, the organization takes specific steps to ascertain community needs and interests; to assure respect and civility in our discussions and impartiality in our coverage of complex matters; and to be accessible, accountable, and transparent to the community as a whole. WLCH’s commitment to diversity is expressed in a continuous thread throughout all of our policies and practices.
I. Programming – WLCH’s program content reflect the diversity of our community.
II. WLCH/SACA Personnel Policies summarizes our EEO and anti-harassment policies. WLCH conducts diversity training for its staff and leadership. All WLCH employees are evaluated on their contributions to promoting diversity within the organization and community.
III. WLCH welcomes diverse audiences to tour our facilities. These community groups highlight our commitment to opening our doors to people of all ages, backgrounds, races, abilities, and religions.
IV. WLCH has gradually increased the diversity of its Governing and Advisory Boards, including age diversity.
V. WLCH has not had any staff vacancies in over two years, however, we maintain continuing efforts to identify potential t new staff through our parent organization’s (SACA) employment and training program and contacts referred to us from partner higher education entities in our region.
We are committed to exploring new opportunities for achieving and promoting diversity in employment and board service and to monitor and evaluate our success.
A Copy of SACA Personnel Policies
A Copy of the personnel policies may be obtained by contacting Claudia Galdamez at 717-295-7996/